Note: * denotes a required field
Your Name*
Your Email*
Your Phone Number*
Best time of day to reach you?*
Address of Investigation Location (Address, City, State)*
Are you the owner of this location?* YesNo
If No, are you in a position to allow after-hours or late night access to a team of people? YesNo
If No, would you be able to put us in contact with the person able to give us these permissions? YesNo
Please describe the type of experiences and paranormal events being experienced: (Give as many experiences as you can. Extreme detail is not necessary and will be collected during subsequent interviews and investigations)*
Do you have names and contact information for any witness?* If so, please be prepared to provide them during subsequent interviews. YesNo
Have you ever had another paranormal team investigate your location?* YesNo
If so, which one?
Did they provide you with their findings? YesNo
Would you be willing to share their findings with us if asked? YesNo
Do you understand that this investigation will most likely (except in rare cases) take place at night (usually starting around 8pm) and not complete for several hours, that during that time you will have extremely limited access to the investigation location, and our team will be operating in the location without your involvement? Exceptions can and will be made for homes with small children, elderly residents and businesses which need access to the areas under investigation during the investigation.* YesNo
We do not make a habit of discussing client cases in public as a rule but in some cases, businesses and residents require complete and total silence and confidentiality. We are happy to provide this to you. Will your location require this?* YesNo
Please note that due to liability issues you must be at least 18 years of age to submit this form. Yes I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.